Artist: If Not For Me
Released: February 25th
Title: Eulogy
Score: 8/10
*Note: this is a personal review and is in no way bashing this band or anyone involved*
First Impressions: Opening track is an instant banger. The album contains a multitude of clean vocals layered with heavy growls and screams. This is the type of album that belongs on Octane (yes, that was meant as a compliment). Approachability is key to gaining fans, and this band will certainly be gaining some new fans with these tracks.Though reminiscent of metalcore bands of late, If Not For Me offers a fresh take with these songs. Lyrically, a few of the songs give the listener a story, something that grabs the attention.
Likes and Dislikes: Loving the cleans; vocalist presents as a talented lad with something special to offer. That being said, the Wage War influence cannot be ignored. It makes the songs catchy and easy to latch onto, but also provides the listener with songs similar to that of other bands. (Still some absolute bops though).
Fav Tracks: Better Days, Bury Me, Powerless (holy s*** all the feels)
Wrap-up: All in all, this album slaps. It's a great collection of tunes these boys should be proud of. Regardless of any similarities, these songs are great and we'll be jamming to them for weeks to come.