Everyone has something that means the world to them. For me, it's music. Music is the purest way to express emotions and thought. It is a form of communication, of healing, a cathartic conduit for human intention. Couple that with rock music, its aggression and directness, and you get an obsession that may as well been born into me.
From this, I explored as many sub-genres as I could, deep diving into artists both popular and not. To this day, I have not had my fill. The idea for The Musical Misfit was inspired both by the undeniable love for rock music, and having watched various YouTubers and podcast hosts follow their dreams in a similar fashion. Thus, the forum post you are currently reading. I hope I am never satisfied; I hope I never loose that love, that desire to learn more, listen to more, read more, and most of all, do more.
Does music mean the same to you? Let us know.